For information in the space did not creat any problem.
In 3.1.2-1 when the space is deleted in URL identifier everything works fine.
Is this a normal behavior ?
If we want to correct this is there a way to update URL identifier quickly (maybe in the DB or import/export) in order to not do this inthe backoffice issue by issue .
I would suggest debugging your web server’s environment outside of OJS. To do this, try creating a temporary test script (e.g. called test.php) alongside OJS’s index.php main wrapper. Put the following contents in it:
<?php phpinfo();
Then try requesting it with the above URL, but using test.php in place of index.php, e.g.:
When you open that URL in your browser, see if you get the appropriate part of the URL in the path_info variable. (Off the top of my head, it should be /BFT/issue/view/BFT%20341 or /BFT/issue/view/BFT 341.) If you get a redirect problem instead, then you’ll need to work with your web server’s configuration.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team