Whenever i try to update the metadata of on o our journals I get an http 500 error. This is the error in the error log:
"PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in /opt/ojs/classes/submission/form/MetadataForm.inc.php on line 52 "
The section seems ok. The problem occurs in all our e-journals except one that was very recently created. I also get an errro rmessage when it try to change the language setttings:
Errors occurred processing this form:
The form was not submitted properly.
I’d suggest logging in as Administrator, and checking that the site Languages settings form there appears to be OK and that at least one language is available. Then go back as Journal Manager into your journal’s Languages settings form looks OK as well. Also double-check that your cache/ subdirectory has file permissions set correctly so that OJS can administer its contents (there’s a FAQ entry on file permissions that provides more information).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for your reply but it seems that the problem only occurs if we set the complet website in SSL
So in the config.inc.php we had this:
; Force SSL connections site-wide
force_ssl = On
; Force SSL connections for login only
force_login_ssl = On
but when we disable force_ssl = Off the problem is gone.
This seems a problem in the code as said first (and it seems that all journals has this problem, the last one that has been created included):
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object in /opt/ojs/classes/submission/form/MetadataForm.inc.php on line 52
Do you know whether your server runs some kind of security tool like mod_security for Apache? I wonder if something like this isn’t chopping off part of the request information. If so, that should be logged, perhaps in your syslog or your Apache log.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team