Merging several users from two OJS servers

We are going to merge two OJS servers with respectively 9000 and 3000 users. I’ve planned to use the Users XML Plugin but before I start the process I would like to know if there’s anything I should be aware of. I guess we have a lot of “repeaters” and how will OJS react in such cases?
I feel it takes some courage, so I hope you can help me with that.
Niels Erik


Have you seen this: GitHub - lepidus/fullJournalTransfer: OJS plugin for importing/exporting a journal with all its private information (e.g. submitted articles, reviews, editorial decisions, etc.)

I used it to merge three journals to our installation a few months ago and it worked really well. I had an user account in both installations and it merged those accounts based on the email address (I think).

Thank you very much. We will take a closer look at this exciting plugin.
Niels Erik