We are going to merge two OJS servers with respectively 9000 and 3000 users. I’ve planned to use the Users XML Plugin but before I start the process I would like to know if there’s anything I should be aware of. I guess we have a lot of “repeaters” and how will OJS react in such cases?
I feel it takes some courage, so I hope you can help me with that.
Niels Erik
Have you seen this: GitHub - lepidus/fullJournalTransfer: OJS plugin for importing/exporting a journal with all its private information (e.g. submitted articles, reviews, editorial decisions, etc.)
I used it to merge three journals to our installation a few months ago and it worked really well. I had an user account in both installations and it merged those accounts based on the email address (I think).
Thank you very much. We will take a closer look at this exciting plugin.
Niels Erik