mEDRA repeatedly updating DOIs

Describe the issue or problem
We’ve been getting daily emails alerting us that our DOIs for the most recent issue have been updated. No one is republishing the issue or updating anything, to the best of our knowledge.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. Published a new issue
  2. Received daily emails from mEDRA (pasted below under additional information)
  3. Wrote mEDRA support (who, by the way, are super responsive and helpful, as are the people at CrossRef, way to go everybody!) to see what might be happening- their answer is also pasted below. We can’t figure out why these submissions are repeatedly being triggered, and while this isn’t a serious or costly problem, we’d like to stop receiving the daily emails.

What application are you using?
For example, OJS

Additional information

Notification email
Dear Registrant,
your submission has been SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED.

mEDRA facility identified your request for uploading/updating as XXX.

These are the results for your submission:
Number of DOIs submitted by the request: 5
Number of DOIs successfully uploaded/updated: 5

Medra’s reply
the first message is the result of the creation of the new 5 DOIs, then the same records were exported and sent again to medra, and they were processed as updated of the same DOIs. My take is that you have triggered the submissions via OJS several times, probably every time an update or publication was done in OJS, as you can see in your monitoring area (example for DOI 10.53228/NJAS.V31I4.960 below). From our point of view, everything is fine, but you may want to double check why the submissions were repeated in your OJS.