I am using OJS I installed MathJax on my journal website. I have created a sidebar block for MathJax script.
My problem is that the MathJax is rendering the LaTeX code in “Abstract” part only. LaTeX code of “Reference” portion is not rendering (screenshot attached)
I have produced a workaround for this issue in OJS
The original issue is caused by the differences in the articles.citations field, and the citations.raw_citation field.
The editor mode shows the contents of articles.citations while the view mode show the contents of the citations.raw_citation field.
The citations.raw_citation field is produced by running the contents of articles.citations through the _cleanCitationString() function which will run stripslashes() on the text to unquote it.
This causes the removal of the \ used in the MathJax markup thus breaking it.
Here is a workaround which just doublequotes the MathJax markup before it is passed through stripslashes()
--- a/lib/pkp/classes/citation/Citation.inc.php
+++ b/lib/pkp/classes/citation/Citation.inc.php
@@ -258,7 +258,10 @@ class Citation extends DataObject {
$citationString = String::utf8_normalize($citationString);
// 2) Strip slashes and whitespace
- $citationString = trim(stripslashes($citationString));
+ // but do not touch MathJax macros of the form $\macro args$
+ // this is done by doublequoting them before sending the string through stripslashes
+ // note regexp_replace requires further quoting to represent \
+ $citationString = trim(stripslashes(String::regexp_replace('/\$\\\\(\w+)/', '$\\\\\\\\\\\\${1}', $citationString)));
// 3) Normalize whitespace
$citationString = String::regexp_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', $citationString);
This will allow the MathJax markup to pass through unharmed into the citations.raw_citation field.
After a bit more thinking I’ve improved on this to ensure that even complex expressions with multiple \macro invocations within a $$ pair are quoted correctly.
The new version:
--- a/lib/pkp/classes/citation/Citation.inc.php
+++ b/lib/pkp/classes/citation/Citation.inc.php
@@ -258,7 +258,12 @@ class Citation extends DataObject {
$citationString = String::utf8_normalize($citationString);
// 2) Strip slashes and whitespace
- $citationString = trim(stripslashes($citationString));
+ // but do not touch MathJax macros of the form $\macro args$
+ // this is done by doublequoting them before sending the string through stripslashes
+ // with a callback we can ensure that all \ within each $macro$ are quoted so even complex
+ // expressions like $\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$ will pass through correctly
+ $citationString = trim(stripslashes(String::regexp_replace_callback('/\$\\\\[^$]+\$/',
+ function($match){return preg_replace('/\\\/','\\\\\\\\\\\\',$match[0]);}, $citationString)));
// 3) Normalize whitespace
$citationString = String::regexp_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', $citationString);