Manuscript-jats Problem-OJS 3.1.1


I would like to use the manuscript-jats with OJS 3.1.1. However, I faced with the following problem, see the image.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Gokmen_ARSLAN

I haven’t supported this child theme for a long time. If you want to use Manuscript theme, it’s better to use the original one. In case if you want to display JATS XML on the article landing page, I recommend to stick with Old Gregg theme.
Separately JATS Parser plugin can be used with all new themes that use Bootstrap 4, like Health Sciences. Classic, Immersion. The plugin can be downloaded from here: GitHub - Vitaliy-1/JATSParserPlugin: OJS3 Plugin for parsing JATS XML and displaying it on article detail page. Keep in mind not to download it together with Old Gregg theme as it can lead to code conflicts.