Is it possible to check which are mandatory components of submission (i.e. highlights, cover letter, manuscript, figures) so the system does not allow to author to move forward if those components are not submitted?
Hi @vvucic,
No, that’s currently not possible (without modifying OJS). We may add a “mandatory” tag to e.g. the metadata options in a future release.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I Think that such addition of flags can give sufficient flexibility so editors can set up the OJS as they prefer.
I guess that will decrease a number of questions on forum too.
I would support that
+1 for this request. There are article components which are mandatory, but authors accidentally miss to upload them.
I would agree.
furthermore, it would be nice to have the authors use a predefined template for some uploads, like covering letter, images, tables etc
Hi all,
FYI, this is partially addressed in the master branch of OJS, for release in OJS 3.1: Add support for declaring metadata fields required · Issue #2684 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
(The feature applies to metadata fields.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Now it seems to be fully addressed here: