We have just upgraded to OJS 3.0.2.
Reviewer management does not allow journal manager/section editor to mark invited referees as ‘decline invitation’. Only option is to ‘unassign’ which removes reviewer from the list (so no tracking of who was previously invited).
Many thanks!
Related to the above post:
For existing reviews in OJS 3.0.2,: If I go into a submission that has already been reviewed and then try to read the review we have an issue. If the reviewer chose to upload their comments as a word document it’s fine, but if they used our review form then I can only see their comments but not the associated questions/prompts. It looks like the issue also carries over to how the comments are sent to the author.
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Hi @Rosarie_Coughlan,
What kinds of questions are you using? For example, does this affect only checkboxes but not text boxes, or do you see the same behavior for any question type?
Are these review forms that were created in OJS 2.x or 3.x? What version were they completed in?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team