I have an unusual request from one of our OJS (2.4.8) journal managers. She wants to keep the permissions of one of the editors, but remove her name from the following page:
You can disable automatic role listing generation in favour of manually-curated roles. That’s the only alternative to a daggy CSS hack or equally daggy template hack, unless you want to grant them Journal Manager or Site Administrator roles, which would give them access to the Log In As feature. That would allow them to impersonate whatever editor they like without needing their own editor role.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I don’t really understand that first sentence. How do I disable “automatic role listing generation” and what are the consequences of that? Is that functionality able to be applied to a single journal, or is it site-wide?
Just following on from this thread. I’ve done this and disable auto-gen of roles. However, ‘Editorial team’ still appears under ‘People’ in the About page.
I’ve tried deleting the membership to that old page but was unsuccessful. How can I remove that old ‘Editorial team’ page and only have the Editorial Team page, that I created, appear under ‘People’?
This will involve logging into your server e.g. via CPanel or SSH, and editing that file on your server. The file is a Smarty template, and you can refer to the Smarty documentation, but essentially it’s HTML with some special tags in it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team