With my OJS installation along with solr search plugin activated. it is indexing only open access journals
and im using Push Indexing.
can any one help me with easy methods to index subscription based journals.
With my OJS installation along with solr search plugin activated. it is indexing only open access journals
and im using Push Indexing.
can any one help me with easy methods to index subscription based journals.
HI @haq,
Have you seen the chapter 12 (Subscription-Based Publications) in the plugin README: ojs/plugins/generic/lucene at ojs-dev-2_4 · pkp/ojs · GitHub. I’ve never used it with subscription journals, so I am not sure, but maybe you could try to authorize the Solr server IP as an “institutional subscriber” of the journals to be indexed and see if that works.
Hi Bozana,
Thanks for replying.
Yes i have seen the chapter 12 earlier itself and understood that we need to create institutional subscription for the solr server ip. But this process will take long time if the journals are more.
So instead of creating subscription, i have commented line no. 1984 in SolrWebService.inc.php in _isArticleAccessAuthorized(&$article) function.
So is it safe to do this???.
if not can you help me with any other suggestions which eases me to index subscription based journals
with out any adverse effect.
Hi @haq,
Yes, that would be the right place and I think it should be safe for you to comment out the lines there.
Hi Bozana,
Thanks for the help.
Hi @haq,
As part of the optimization of external search support for OJS, the PKP Technical Committee is looking for use cases and relevant experience with the Lucene/Solr plugin for OJS.
GitHub - ojsde/lucene: Plugin for Solr/Lucene support in OJS. or via Plugin-Gallery
We are going to organize a meeting with all the interested parties. If you are interested in sharing requirements, user experiences and use cases, please feel free to contact me.
Dulip Withanage