Hi everyone,
I am a professor in the Philosophy Department of UFRGS (Brazil).Our research group is interested in the Open Monograph Press and Open Conference Press.
We are looking for someone whou would provide installation and customization services on our university computers. Would you indicate someone in Brazil who could do this kind of work?
Hello @Lia_Levy,
If you are interested in hosting services, you may wish to contact PKP hosting services: https://services.pkp.sfu.ca However, we do not offer OCS hosting services, and are not based in Brazil. You may also wish to try Scielo: Contact | SciELO.org - they are based in Brazil. However, I cannot speak to their hosting offerings, but they may be able to provide you with other appropriate information. Best of luck in getting started with your Conference/Monograph hosting.
PKP team
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Hi @Lia_Levy,
IBICT is helping national institutions and they have published this user guide: https://pucpress.pucpr.br/index.php/pucpress/catalog/book/130
I think you can probably reach out to them and ask for their help. If they can’t help, maybe they can point to someone who can.
Hope this helps!
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The university team responsible for keeping the local OJS installation running might be able to give you some pointers:
I also noticed that the university press is affiliated with the Scielo Books program, so it might be easier to use that instead of setting up OMP:
Finally, try the forum hosted at the national institute for information in S&T (IBICT):
Hope any of that helps.
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Dear all, thank you very much for all your suggestions. I have contacted the IBICT the team running our OJS installation, and they were very helpful. The project of installing OMP and OCS will start next month and may be (or probably) you gonna see me here again, asking for help.
By the way: do you know if a plug-in to connect the OCS to a platform of webinars are available?
Hi @Lia_Levy,
Just a heads-up that PKP is no longer maintaining OCS; you might want to consider using e.g. OJS for conference submissions instead (though it doesn’t offer many of the conference-related features like scheduling and attendee registration).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Thanks @asmecher, it’s really a very important piece of information. Do you know if PKP is working on a replacement for OCS?
Do you think that we should not install OCS anymore because of this?
Hi @Lia_Levy,
There’s a 2018 post about the future of OCS on our blog here: https://pkp.sfu.ca/2018/05/04/ocs-update/
Essentially we don’t currently plan a replacement, and some users have chosen to work with OJS instead to manage and publish conference proceedings. If that workflow suits your needs, I can recommend it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team