Long duration of upgrade process (OJS 2.4.3 to 3.1.1-4)

Hi, upgrading our very large installation of OJS (523 journals, 168000 articles, 220000 users) and expecting things to take a while, but would be great to be able to speed up the process. Currently taking 66 hrs (without metrics table).

There are specifically 3 steps that take really long:

  • 20 hrs: “[code: Installer Installer::migrateArticleMetadata]” (the 20hrs is from start of upgrade process, but this item uses most of that time)

  • 18 hrs: "UPDATE submission_files SET file_stage=10 WHERE file_id IN (SELECT file_id FROM submission_galleys) "

  • 7 hrs : “UPDATE submission_files SET file_stage=17 WHERE file_id IN (SELECT style_file_id FROM article_galleys_migration)”

Reducing the time it takes on any of these 3 steps would be a great help.

tagging @asmecher and @bozana here.

Hi @makouvlei,

I can see some easy wins here just at a glance – but I don’t have an equivalently large installation handy for testing. Would you be willing to share the database?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec, thanks for your reply, I’ve been on leave but back at work now. I’ll email you a link to download the database.

Jannie van Tonder

Hi Alec, just wondering if you managed to look at this?

Jannie van Tonder

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@makouvlei we are facing the same problem, not taking too long as yours but some hours too…


Hi Ronnie, as per screenshot, this unfortunately doesn’t appear to be a priority for PKP.


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I was wondering if an update using a join, like

update submission_files sf, submission_galleys sg set file_stage=10 where sg.file_id = sf.file_id

wouldn’t have the same effect as

update submission_files set file_stage=10 where file_id in (select file_id from submission_galleys)

but being much faster

Hi @ronniebrito,

Would you mind opening a PR for this change? It would need to be PostgreSQL-compatible as well, but if you’re not sure how to go about that, I can give some guidance.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


I think it is postgresql compatible, as it is a very simple query… but I’m not 100% sure

so yeap, I need some advice :slight_smile:

Hi @ronniebrito,

It is a little different, I’m afraid… you can see an example of the two syntaxes in dbscripts/xml/upgrade/3.0.0_update.xml:

<query driver="mysqli">UPDATE submission_files sf, articles_migration am SET sf.file_stage=7 WHERE am.editor_file_id=sf.file_id</query><!-- SUBMISSION_FILE_FAIR_COPY -->
<query driver="postgres7">UPDATE submission_files SET file_stage=7 FROM articles_migration am WHERE am.editor_file_id=submission_files.file_id</query><!-- SUBMISSION_FILE_FAIR_COPY -->

Those two are equivalent, but rewritten for the two different types of databases.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

dear @asmecher,

the PR is at PR created to optimize upgrade time by ronniebrito · Pull Request #2453 · pkp/ojs · GitHub
there are some changes in translation files t(dont know why and did know how to remove them)


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Hi @ronniebrito,

Thanks for contributing! I’ve added some feedback on the pull request.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi @ronniebrito, thank you and well spotted, I’ve implemented the change on our local large installation and it’s made a big difference to the upgrade time :slight_smile:

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