Logos and Images not showing on the homepage

I uploaded the Homepage, Logo, and Thumbnail image files but at the homepage only their alternate text is showing.

I’m on version
The link to the website is:


Do the public folder (in your OJS root directory) and its subdirectories have the required permissions (read and write for the apache user)?

I’ve tried setting 777 to all of them but you can also guide me the correct way of doing it.

777 is too much - you don’t want that anybody can write to the public folder or subdirectories. See https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/admin-guide/en/troubleshooting#configuring-file-permissions

Ok I’ve set it to 755, what should I do next?

Did you also set on the files within? Otherwise, my recommendation is to clear the field and upload the images again.

Doing that will take hours.

I even fixed the images resolution and reuploaded the images but the issue is persistent.

I’m afraid you have to do that. First click on the remove button, then on Save at the bottom.
Then again add the images. Then Save at the bottom.

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