I would like to know if there is an official directory where we can find a list of websites of journals using OJS ?
There is a page with Location of journals using OJS. Why there is not the list of URL of journals using OJS with the version of OJS used ?
If this is a legal problem, we can imagine to have an option for each journal to authorise or not the publication of the URL in this directory.
There is an option on administration web site to “enable the journal to appear publicly on the site”. It could have an other option to enable the journal to appear publicly on the directory ?
Former list is keep by PKP using it’s own software (harvested via OAI and updated from the published journals). The “PKP index” is mantained and cleaned by PKP stuff. If somebody is not in the “PKP index”, only need to register in the harvester and ask to be included.
In the other hand, as I commented before, PKP also has an automatic list created based on “beacons” OJS send during installation. When somebody installs an OJS, the tool asks you about reporting PKP. If you check the box, PKP server is informed about the new site is included in the yearly report here:
In 2015 statistics fall down because PKP moved to a restrictive and realistic criteria to define what is an “active journal”. Later in 2017 they started using an script that tries to be even more precise (but excludes journals with delayed publications). The script is going to be fixed soon, but numbers are good enough.