Hi, I’m trying to add my journal to REDIB data base, and they’re telling me that my OAI protocol is wrong. Aparently, I have just deleted records on my ListIdentifiers:
You are viewing an HTML version of the XML OAI response. To see the underlying XML use your web browsers view source option. More information about this XSLT is at the bottom of the page.
What I see, also, is that the records showed there are for all the journals that use OJS on my University, not just mine (Econoquantum). How could I solve this problem?
I just wanted to add that we are having the same problem. We recently made a new OJS 3.1.2 set up and our OAI records show the same thing, “This record has been deleted”. Any idea on what is going on?
EDIT: Just in case anyone else finds this, let me share what worked for us. We had an old version of our journal’s website under OJS 2.4.8 moved to a legacy subdomain (like www.legay-journal.ouruniversity.edu) and it still had OAI active. We had to remove all of the OAI part of that legacy site and turn on OAI in the plugins for our new OJS 3.1.2 site. Then the rest of the article records showed up in OAI. In our case, the 2 deleted records that were showing up before were, in fact, deleted records (which we checked by reviewing articles in the journal numbers around the number of the missing article, and sure enough, it jumped for example from article 49 to article 51 and the OAI is showing that article 50 has been deleted, which is true.
As a matter of fact we’re facing the same problems: All OAI request results of ListIdentifiers or ListRecords are »This record has been deleted« (https://tatup.de still running on OJS3.1.2.1).
I can’t see an OAI plugin in the plugin list, and I don’t know how to swipe and rebuild the OAI entries.
Could someone explain exactly, how this could work? (@asmecher?)