we’re running OJS with the ORCID Plugin enabled and configured with the “Public” Setting.
We have noticed that when an author submit a paper to our journal, the system starts to send automatic email notifications requesting to link their ORCID profile:
“To confirm your authorship, please add your ORCID id to this submission by visiting the link provided below.”
The problem is that it sends a brutal amount of repetitive and insisting emails (at least, when one does not proceed and link the ORCID id). It is basically SPAM coming from our journal and that’s not good.
Is there a way to limit these notifications to ONLY ONE email after submission?
Thanks in advance,
Hi @ezeferrero,
thanks for the feedback.
When exactly is the plugin sending lots of emails ?
The current plugin implementation sends an email when you add an external author or when an ojs user is registered and has added his or her orcid id into the profile.
Otherwise you can configure in the plugin settings to send always emails, when you are publishing the article.
[ ] Send e-mail to request ORCID authorization from article authors on publication of a new issue
Can you give me more details how your publishing workflow looks like.
thanks for your reply.
The situation is as follows. I’m one of the “journal editors”.
To train a new Editor I’ve created (as an author, i.e., choosing only the author role at submission time) two new submissions.
Immediately I received 4 ORCID Plugin emails, separated by few minutes, 2 for each submission I guess. I didn’t do anything.
Then, I received on 2 different days (again) duplicated emails. The dates and times roughly coincides with editorial actions on the test submissions “Editor Decision (Resubmit for further review) or Editor Decission (Unsuitable for Review Process)”
I’ve linked my ORCID ID on one of those emails and Today, I’ve received another ORCID Plugin reminder (but this time only one email) after a new “Editor Decision (Resubmit for further review)”
So far, a total of 9 ORCID emails for 2 submissions (still in editorial process).
I’ve checked in our plugin settings and the tick-box in
[ ] Send e-mail to request ORCID authorization from article authors on publication of a new issue
is empty.
Shall I tick that box to have the plugin email to be sent only when a paper is going to be published and not before?
Let me know how else I can help.
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thanks @ezeferrero for the details.
@nweiher will have a look into the details of the email hooks and come back to you.
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