Hi there,
I want to know if there is any chance to increase the lenght of the titles of the articles.
I usually write the titles in spanish and in english. I do it by writing both of them on the same field but separated by a code. But when it’s too long, the title in english is cut down.
Tkanks for your help!
What version of OJS are you using? The arbitrary length limits were removed in 2.4.7.
Also, note that the better way to do this is to enable OJS’s native multilingual features.
Thank you!
I think I need to update my OJS version!
How do I enable those features?
You can install additional locales at the Site level:
User Home → Site Administrator → Languages
Then you can enable multiple locales in the Journal:
User Home → Journal Manager - >Languages
You’ll be able to chose what components you want to be multilingual: UI, submissions, and/or forms.
There is a bit of outdated documentation on OJS’s multilingual capabilities in the OJS In An Hour document, around page 75 and following. @mtub or @asmecher might be able to point to a more up-to-date introduction, if it exists.
Thanks, this is really helpful!