My name is Walter, from Costa Rica, I appreciate if I can help us with the next problems OJS 2x, the problems we have are:
- We have problems with our magazine in output emails with users not validated by Microsoft Active Directory, it is necessary that emails from these users may leave the OJS, because it is important for publishers flows of different users roles.
The recommended indications were followed to find the solution for receipt of notifications to commercial email accounts outside the domain of Institution (hotmail, gmail, etc.). The test was not satisfactory as we continue to not receive (automatic and non-automatic) notifications in our commercial email accounts.
- Problems of the managers roles, to be able to logging with Active Directory passwords of our institutional domain, it is necessary to reset the users of the journal managers to operate under this system because they must manage all editorial flows. Apparently LDAP authentication mode is not working correctly yet having installed plugins.
With respect to Problem 2, as a temporary solution to the institutional Log in with domain users was applied, however is not the solution you’re looking for, so it would be temporary.
The test:
Enter the OJS with a linked user commercial email account,
Enter the Personal Area, Manager role,
In the sub menu User/s, enter to Persons associated with this magazine.
Search for the respective user domain of the Institutional account and select Identify yourself as:
This will allow us logging internally with the domain of Institutional, eg E: moralesow@hacienda.go.cr, username: moralesow then return to step 4 and select the edit option:
Once inside the profile editing, make sure the change and deselect mode LDAP authentication source and leave it blank, proceed to make the change with the new password and save.
Then we logout of the OJS to verify that the login is successful and verify the last login and/or access to the OJS user institutional domain:
Then there perform the same test mailings with an attachment from an account with the login of Institutional to the different accounts (Institutional and commercial), to verify that email submissions are satisfactory:
We check in mailboxes (Hotmail, institutional Outlook):
Hotmail results:
Result Institutional Outlook:
In conclusion we think this could be a temporary solution, because it is not the real solution 2, “can be able to login without Active Directory passwords of exchange of Microsoft”, basically in this solution we doing is unlink the institutional account of the source LDAP authentication so the OJS recognizes it as if it were a commercial account, which is not ideal. Meanwhile if not done this way we cannot login to OJS with the respective institutional domain users, although in this way the emails notifications come to the commercial and institutional email accounts.
I appreciate the collaboration can we receive. Thank you very much.
Best regards,
Walter Morales Alonso Ortiz.