Hi All,
Is it possible to insert a kind of snippet in a custom block to show the “Last Announcement”
Many thanks,
RE Prabowo
Hi All,
Is it possible to insert a kind of snippet in a custom block to show the “Last Announcement”
Many thanks,
RE Prabowo
Hi @reprabowo,
Which of our applications are you using, and what version?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am sorry I am using OJS
Hi @reprabowo,
Try the “Announcements Feed” plugin, which should already be included in your OJS release in the “Generic Plugins” area.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec. I did all necessary things to show the announcement in all journal pages, but nothing shows up except the one in the front page.
Best wishes,
Hi @reprabowo,
In Journal Setup, step 5, did you put the announcement feed sidebar block onto one of the sidebars?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec I have the rss feed working and block shows up.
I use the feed to embed in html in the front page to fit the design.
Best wishes,