Keywords not visible in keywordCloud

The keywordCloud plugin, works correctly for my articles, keywords are reported except for an article
I use version 1.1.1 of the plugin with OJS 3.3.0.
Do you have any idea?

Hi @bbcluny,

You may wish to try what this user tried here: Keyword Cloud Block Issue - #2 by abadan - clearing the cache (Administration - clear data cache, clear template cache? Could you give that a try and see if that works?

PKP Team

Sorry but my keyword still does not appear
On the other hand, the plugin displays around 30 words to me at a time.
Where does this limit come from?

Hi @bbcluny,

I would imagine that setting around the number of keywords that are outputted set in the code of the plugin somewhere, but I’m not able to say where specifically - sorry.

PKP Team

There is a maximum limit of 50 items, hard coded:

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Thank you for your reply. It works for me