Good afternoon. I 've noticed one thing OJS version 2.4.8 regarding keywords to show in each article .
When I go to key palabas añidir in many languages ( Spanish and English ) , although in each complete field with his language. In this case, only it shows me the keywords of a language. That is, I Spanish keywords appear in the English language section .
Add more data and examples of my issue concerning keywords. I hope your help, since it is not that the error is due …
I attached links and screenshot so you can see that after putting keywords (each in its corresponding language). In the English language keywords are displayed in English but in Spanish, I added in the form regitsro keywords in Spanish language, but show me the language in English. Deputy test links …
In general, if a metadata element is not translated in the user’s selected language, the element is displayed in the article’s default language.
In this case, it looks like you have entered indexing keywords in only one of the locales, so you see it displayed in both locales.
When entering metadata in multiple languages, be sure to change the “Form Language” at the top of the screen and click “Submit” to enter metadata in the new language. Be careful to note that changing your interface language via the “Select Language” option in the sidebar does not change the form input. Also note that the “Language” option which may appear immediately below the “Indexing” keywords is not directly related to the keywords.
Hello, all that tells me we have previously done and does not work. If desired, give access to the control panel to see firsthand this issue. I am looking forward to your response.
Have you made changes to templates/article/article.tpl ?
In the stock version, the div with the id of articleCitiations has an h4 which translates submissions.citations. That div displays the articles references.
On your site, what you are calling “Keywords” or “Palabras Clave” is in that div with the id of articleCitiations.
Have you changed the template file and/or have you changed the translation of submission.citiations?
Then I am pretty sure you are entering your keywords in the References/Citations metadata. The References are intended to be scholarly citations.
For actual keywords, visit Journal Setup, Step 3, and review the options in 3.4 “For Authors to Index Their Work”. You probably want migrate the keywords from citations to actual indexes, and then disable the Citation Markup Assistant in 3.7.