Keywords appear at the bottom of page in OJS

On the landing page of the article, keywords appear at the bottom of the page, below references, instead of the above Abstract. The installation of OJS is new OJS, not upgraded. In a normal situation, the Keywords are on the top. The theme is the Default child theme.
Any idea how to back keywords on the top of the landing page, as is located in normal installation?


Hi @Lazar_Stosic,

Could you share a link to the page that this is occurring on, or perhaps a screenshot? That might give us a better sense of what is going on. And what version of the default theme are you using?

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis,

thank you for your mail. No problem for link. At the The Explanatory Power of the Concept of Embodiment in Anthropology | Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology you can see that keywords appear at the bottom of page. I have a few journals under OJS and only on this journal appear at the end of page.


Hi @Lazar_Stosic,

Did you do any modifications to the theme for this journal? It seems strange that it would appear this way.

PKP Team

Are lines 157-169 of article_details.tpl (templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl) the same as the picture you see below?
Can you check?

Hi @rcgillis ,

No. I did not make any changes. It is a new installation, Default child theme, and just Keywords are presented at the bottom.


Hi @kerimsarigul ,

all lines are the same as the above pictures.
Here is picture from my article_details.tpl file


It’s a very interesting situation.
Element ordering also looks correct.
So, what’s the result when you change the theme?


In which file is that?

Hmmm… I am not sure that this info is from there. In, there are no above data.

Sorry, I wrote the wrong message.

Can you change your theme from the site administration panel?
Will the problem persist after changing the theme?

That is first what I did. No changes. Now I changed to the Default theme. As you can see, no changes.

  1. I don’t know if it will help, but have you tried clearing the capcha?

  2. in this file : templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl

I just replaced the references and keywords.

Can you try pasting the codes below?
I wonder if it will change the outcome.

 * templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Simon Fraser University
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2021 John Willinsky
 * Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
 * @brief View of an Article which displays all details about the article.
 *  Expected to be primary object on the page.
 * Many journals will want to add custom data to this object, either through
 * plugins which attach to hooks on the page or by editing the template
 * themselves. In order to facilitate this, a flexible layout markup pattern has
 * been implemented. If followed, plugins and other content can provide markup
 * in a way that will render consistently with other items on the page. This
 * pattern is used in the .main_entry column and the .entry_details column. It
 * consists of the following:
 * <!-- Wrapper class which provides proper spacing between components -->
 * <div class="item">
 *     <!-- Title/value combination -->
 *     <div class="label">Abstract</div>
 *     <div class="value">Value</div>
 * </div>
 * All styling should be applied by class name, so that titles may use heading
 * elements (eg, <h3>) or any element required.
 * <!-- Example: component with multiple title/value combinations -->
 * <div class="item">
 *     <div class="sub_item">
 *         <div class="label">DOI</div>
 *         <div class="value">12345678</div>
 *     </div>
 *     <div class="sub_item">
 *         <div class="label">Published Date</div>
 *         <div class="value">2015-01-01</div>
 *     </div>
 * </div>
 * <!-- Example: component with no title -->
 * <div class="item">
 *     <div class="value">Whatever you'd like</div>
 * </div>
 * Core components are produced manually below, but can also be added via
 * plugins using the hooks provided:
 * Templates::Article::Main
 * Templates::Article::Details
 * @uses $article Submission This article
 * @uses $publication Publication The publication being displayed
 * @uses $firstPublication Publication The first published version of this article
 * @uses $currentPublication Publication The most recently published version of this article
 * @uses $issue Issue The issue this article is assigned to
 * @uses $section Section The journal section this article is assigned to
 * @uses $categories Category The category this article is assigned to
 * @uses $primaryGalleys array List of article galleys that are not supplementary or dependent
 * @uses $supplementaryGalleys array List of article galleys that are supplementary
 * @uses $keywords array List of keywords assigned to this article
 * @uses $pubIdPlugins Array of pubId plugins which this article may be assigned
 * @uses $licenseTerms string License terms.
 * @uses $licenseUrl string URL to license. Only assigned if license should be
 *   included with published submissions.
 * @uses $ccLicenseBadge string An image and text with details about the license
 {if !$heading}
 	{assign var="heading" value="h3"}
<article class="obj_article_details">

	{* Indicate if this is only a preview *}
	{if $publication->getData('status') !== $smarty.const.STATUS_PUBLISHED}
	<div class="cmp_notification notice">
		{capture assign="submissionUrl"}{url page="workflow" op="access" path=$article->getId()}{/capture}
		{translate key="submission.viewingPreview" url=$submissionUrl}
	{* Notification that this is an old version *}
	{elseif $currentPublication->getId() !== $publication->getId()}
		<div class="cmp_notification notice">
			{capture assign="latestVersionUrl"}{url page="article" op="view" path=$article->getBestId()}{/capture}
			{translate key="submission.outdatedVersion"

	<h1 class="page_title">

	{if $publication->getLocalizedData('subtitle')}
		<h2 class="subtitle">

	<div class="row">
		<div class="main_entry">

			{if $publication->getData('authors')}
				<section class="item authors">
					<h2 class="pkp_screen_reader">{translate key="article.authors"}</h2>
					<ul class="authors">
					{foreach from=$publication->getData('authors') item=author}
							<span class="name">
							{if $author->getLocalizedData('affiliation')}
								<span class="affiliation">
									{if $author->getData('rorId')}
										<a href="{$author->getData('rorId')|escape}">{$rorIdIcon}</a>
							{if $author->getData('orcid')}
								<span class="orcid">
									<a href="{$author->getData('orcid')|escape}" target="_blank">

			{* DOI (requires plugin) *}
			{foreach from=$pubIdPlugins item=pubIdPlugin}
				{if $pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType() != 'doi'}
				{assign var=pubId value=$article->getStoredPubId($pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType())}
				{if $pubId}
					{assign var="doiUrl" value=$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}
					<section class="item doi">
						<h2 class="label">
							{capture assign=translatedDOI}{translate key="plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName"}{/capture}
							{translate key="semicolon" label=$translatedDOI}
						<span class="value">
							<a href="{$doiUrl}">

			{* References *}
			{if $parsedCitations || $publication->getData('citationsRaw')}
				<section class="item references">
					<h2 class="label">
						{translate key="submission.citations"}
					<div class="value">
						{if $parsedCitations}
							{foreach from=$parsedCitations item="parsedCitation"}
								<p>{$parsedCitation->getCitationWithLinks()|strip_unsafe_html} {call_hook name="Templates::Article::Details::Reference" citation=$parsedCitation}</p>

			{* Abstract *}
			{if $publication->getLocalizedData('abstract')}
				<section class="item abstract">
					<h2 class="label">{translate key="article.abstract"}</h2>

			{call_hook name="Templates::Article::Main"}

			{* Author biographies *}
			{assign var="hasBiographies" value=0}
			{foreach from=$publication->getData('authors') item=author}
				{if $author->getLocalizedData('biography')}
					{assign var="hasBiographies" value=$hasBiographies+1}
			{if $hasBiographies}
				<section class="item author_bios">
					<h2 class="label">
						{if $hasBiographies > 1}
							{translate key="submission.authorBiographies"}
							{translate key="submission.authorBiography"}
					{foreach from=$publication->getData('authors') item=author}
						{if $author->getLocalizedData('biography')}
							<section class="sub_item">
								<h3 class="label">
									{if $author->getLocalizedData('affiliation')}
										{capture assign="authorName"}{$author->getFullName()|escape}{/capture}
										{capture assign="authorAffiliation"}<span class="affiliation">{$author->getLocalizedData('affiliation')|escape}</span>{/capture}
										{translate key="submission.authorWithAffiliation" name=$authorName affiliation=$authorAffiliation}
								<div class="value">

			{* Keywords *}
			{if !empty($publication->getLocalizedData('keywords'))}
			<section class="item keywords">
				<h2 class="label">
					{capture assign=translatedKeywords}{translate key="article.subject"}{/capture}
					{translate key="semicolon" label=$translatedKeywords}
				<span class="value">
					{foreach name="keywords" from=$publication->getLocalizedData('keywords') item="keyword"}
						{$keyword|escape}{if !$smarty.foreach.keywords.last}{translate key="common.commaListSeparator"}{/if}

		</div><!-- .main_entry -->

		<div class="entry_details">

			{* Article/Issue cover image *}
			{if $publication->getLocalizedData('coverImage') || ($issue && $issue->getLocalizedCoverImage())}
				<div class="item cover_image">
					<div class="sub_item">
						{if $publication->getLocalizedData('coverImage')}
							{assign var="coverImage" value=$publication->getLocalizedData('coverImage')}
							<a href="{url page="issue" op="view" path=$issue->getBestIssueId()}">
								<img src="{$issue->getLocalizedCoverImageUrl()|escape}" alt="{$issue->getLocalizedCoverImageAltText()|escape|default:''}">

			{* Article Galleys *}
			{if $primaryGalleys}
				<div class="item galleys">
					<h2 class="pkp_screen_reader">
						{translate key="submission.downloads"}
					<ul class="value galleys_links">
						{foreach from=$primaryGalleys item=galley}
								{include file="frontend/objects/galley_link.tpl" parent=$article publication=$publication galley=$galley purchaseFee=$currentJournal->getData('purchaseArticleFee') purchaseCurrency=$currentJournal->getData('currency')}
			{if $supplementaryGalleys}
				<div class="item galleys">
					<h3 class="pkp_screen_reader">
						{translate key="submission.additionalFiles"}
					<ul class="value supplementary_galleys_links">
						{foreach from=$supplementaryGalleys item=galley}
								{include file="frontend/objects/galley_link.tpl" parent=$article publication=$publication galley=$galley isSupplementary="1"}

			{if $publication->getData('datePublished')}
			<div class="item published">
				<section class="sub_item">
					<h2 class="label">
						{translate key="submissions.published"}
					<div class="value">
						{* If this is the original version *}
						{if $firstPublication->getID() === $publication->getId()}
						{* If this is an updated version *}
							<span>{translate key="submission.updatedOn" datePublished=$firstPublication->getData('datePublished')|date_format:$dateFormatShort dateUpdated=$publication->getData('datePublished')|date_format:$dateFormatShort}</span>
				{if count($article->getPublishedPublications()) > 1}
					<section class="sub_item versions">
						<h2 class="label">
							{translate key="submission.versions"}
						<ul class="value">
							{foreach from=array_reverse($article->getPublishedPublications()) item=iPublication}
								{capture assign="name"}{translate key="submission.versionIdentity" datePublished=$iPublication->getData('datePublished')|date_format:$dateFormatShort version=$iPublication->getData('version')}{/capture}
									{if $iPublication->getId() === $publication->getId()}
									{elseif $iPublication->getId() === $currentPublication->getId()}
										<a href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$article->getBestId()}">{$name}</a>
										<a href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$article->getBestId()|to_array:"version":$iPublication->getId()}">{$name}</a>

			{* How to cite *}
			{if $citation}
				<div class="item citation">
					<section class="sub_item citation_display">
						<h2 class="label">
							{translate key="submission.howToCite"}
						<div class="value">
							<div id="citationOutput" role="region" aria-live="polite">
							<div class="citation_formats">
								<button class="cmp_button citation_formats_button" aria-controls="cslCitationFormats" aria-expanded="false" data-csl-dropdown="true">
									{translate key="submission.howToCite.citationFormats"}
								<div id="cslCitationFormats" class="citation_formats_list" aria-hidden="true">
									<ul class="citation_formats_styles">
										{foreach from=$citationStyles item="citationStyle"}
													href="{url page="citationstylelanguage" op="get" path=$ params=$citationArgs}"
													data-json-href="{url page="citationstylelanguage" op="get" path=$ params=$citationArgsJson}"
									{if count($citationDownloads)}
										<div class="label">
											{translate key="submission.howToCite.downloadCitation"}
										<ul class="citation_formats_styles">
											{foreach from=$citationDownloads item="citationDownload"}
													<a href="{url page="citationstylelanguage" op="download" path=$ params=$citationArgs}">
														<span class="fa fa-download"></span>

			{* Issue article appears in *}
			{if $issue || $section || $categories}
				<div class="item issue">

					{if $issue}
						<section class="sub_item">
							<h2 class="label">
								{translate key="issue.issue"}
							<div class="value">
								<a class="title" href="{url page="issue" op="view" path=$issue->getBestIssueId()}">

					{if $section}
						<section class="sub_item">
							<h2 class="label">
								{translate key="section.section"}
							<div class="value">

					{if $categories}
						<section class="sub_item">
							<h2 class="label">
								{translate key="category.category"}
							<div class="value">
								<ul class="categories">
									{foreach from=$categories item=category}
										<li><a href="{url router=$smarty.const.ROUTE_PAGE page="catalog" op="category" path=$category->getPath()|escape}">{$category->getLocalizedTitle()|escape}</a></li>

			{* PubIds (requires plugins) *}
			{foreach from=$pubIdPlugins item=pubIdPlugin}
				{if $pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType() == 'doi'}
				{assign var=pubId value=$article->getStoredPubId($pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType())}
				{if $pubId}
					<section class="item pubid">
						<h2 class="label">
						<div class="value">
							{if $pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}
								<a id="pub-id::{$pubIdPlugin->getPubIdType()|escape}" href="{$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}">
									{$pubIdPlugin->getResolvingURL($currentJournal->getId(), $pubId)|escape}

			{* Licensing info *}
			{if $currentContext->getLocalizedData('licenseTerms') || $publication->getData('licenseUrl')}
				<div class="item copyright">
					<h2 class="label">
						{translate key="submission.license"}
					{if $publication->getData('licenseUrl')}
						{if $ccLicenseBadge}
							{if $publication->getLocalizedData('copyrightHolder')}
								<p>{translate key="submission.copyrightStatement" copyrightHolder=$publication->getLocalizedData('copyrightHolder') copyrightYear=$publication->getData('copyrightYear')}</p>
							<a href="{$publication->getData('licenseUrl')|escape}" class="copyright">
								{if $publication->getLocalizedData('copyrightHolder')}
									{translate key="submission.copyrightStatement" copyrightHolder=$publication->getLocalizedData('copyrightHolder') copyrightYear=$publication->getData('copyrightYear')}
									{translate key="submission.license"}

			{call_hook name="Templates::Article::Details"}

		</div><!-- .entry_details -->
	</div><!-- .row -->


Hi @kerimsarigul,

I load all codes and received the same. I try manually to move the keywords section above or below but nothing. Really strange.


Really srange…

When you delete the keyword codes on the page, do they disappear on the site or not?

Yes. They disappear. No matter where I put the code, OJS present it at the end.

I think we need help from experts on this forum.
@asmecher @AhemNason @ jnugent

Hi @Lazar_Stosic,
Pretty easy,

Only modify CCS styles
.item.keywords {
order: 0;

(you have order:1;)

1 Like

Hi @dagosalas,

Thanks. It works. It is really easy.

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