I found mention of KBART and OJS in this bugzilla listing back in 2010.
Just wondering what if anything has been done to have KBART output working in OJS?
I found mention of KBART and OJS in this bugzilla listing back in 2010.
Just wondering what if anything has been done to have KBART output working in OJS?
Hi @EdwardDavid,
I’m not aware of any further work done on KBART/OJS support.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @EdwardDavid,
I’m not familiar enough with Ex Libris to comment, beyond suggesting that you have a look at the OAI interface. Even if Ex Libris doesn’t support OAI, OJS’s OAI interface supports enough metadata formats that it might make a useful starting point.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher ,
we are planning to develop a KBART plugin for OJS and OMP.
I hope that we will be able to do it this year.
Leonhard Maylein
Heidelberg University Library
Actually, this shouldn’t be a plugin at all. A script in the tools folder would probably suffice.
Hi @lmaylein,
This is an older post. If you haven’t done so already, please post a new post to the forum outlining the issue you are encountering and are wishing to discuss, and referring back to this post.
PKP Team