I am just following a question thread from the old forum https://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8355#p35247 in 2011. We faced the same issue, i.e. we are about to change title of the journal and we are aware that it has extensive effect on citation and metadata. I was wondering if supporting this feature is implemented yet in the recent versions.
No, there has been no change since then. Your best bets are either to implement the modification suggested at the other thread yourself, or create a new journal for the new content.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I was wondering by doing the suggested modification, can we make sure the DOIs are consistent? So that the DOIs registered with the old title are still valid. We don’t need to reassign the DOIs, do we?
Would you be changing the journal path? If so, then article URLs and the like would also change, and you’d probably need to consider metadata changes. Otherwise, existing DOIs, URLs, etc. shouldn’t change.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes the URL will change too. So I suppose the only option would be creating a new journal, because the previous DOIs are already cited and we cannot change them. Can you please verify this? Thanks.
Technically, there are a few approaches you could take – e.g. assembling a list of URLs from your old location to the equivalents in your new one – but I think editorially the best thing to do will be to leave your old content unchanged, and create a new journal for the new content. You can use the same OJS installation for both, so you won’t have additional maintenance overhead, and your old material will continue to live at its old “home” (URL, DOIs, etc.) without needing to worry about external indexing services and the like.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team