dear PKP community hope you are good. I got this doubts hopping you can give a solution or an alternative. Well in my journals I want to show for example the statistics of each journal for example:
- Number of articles received in 2020- -
- Number of Articles Published 2020
- Number of Rejected Items 2020
- Estimated rejection rate 2020
is there a plugin or some kind of sql query to get this data from my journal ?
if there is a sql query solution I only need the results not displaying in the journal website, but if there is a plugin that let me get that data and displayed in the journal webste would be awesome. Please hope you can help me with this urgent request. THANKS
Hello @Carlos_Alberto_Rivad,
Please see our documentation on statistics here: Statistics - it goes into more detail on the statistics and reporting capabilities of OJS.
PKP staff
what I want to really know if there is a way to show this info attached in my journal website?

Hi @Carlos_Alberto_Rivad
For one year, I think there is no need for a plugin. I simply copied the text from that page and pasted in Dreamweaver. Then, using this HTML code, I generated a new custom page (Settings → Website → Setup → Navigation → Navigation Menu Items → Add Item → Select Custom Page.
Then, I inserted new custom page to the Primary menu.
If you want to insert the circles, you may take a screenshot, and use the image.
Sample url:

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Hi @Carlos_Alberto_Rivad,
@drugurkocak makes some good points about displaying these statistics. I have seen this done in different journals as they make these stats available on public pages. Not quite the same thing, but there is also the Most Read plugin here that displays some basic info on the most viewed articles on the public site: GitHub - ajnyga/mostRead: OJS3.2+ Most Read Articles block plugin
PKP team
hi @rcgillis
Sounds a nice plugin that you suggest me I am gonna try it and let you know if it works. I was wondering if you have some websites that use this plugin to check how it look like please. That would be helpful.
Hi @Carlos_Alberto_Rivad,
Not sure if you know Finnish (I don’t), but you can still get an idea of it in action here: Vol 39 Nro 1 (2021) | Tieteessä tapahtuu (you can see it on the right with the little eye icon).