we have OJS installed and suddenly when I or other click on the journal manager link it only shows a blank page. We have not changed anything in the journal itself. I know that I need to update but do not have the time at the moment…
I checked the error log on the server but it is empty…?
Thank you for any help
Hi @jacobjoh,
Have you checked the FAQ entry on blank pages? It’s unlikely that you’ll get a blank page with nothing at all, so first make sure you’ve checked the right log file. If that doesn’t help, check the file permissions in cache/ and its subdirectories. But please start by reviewing your log files – it’s likely something is there and will help immensely in debugging.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks, Alec. We figured out that a conflict between OJS and PHP was to blame for the issue. Our old version is not quite compatible with PHP 5.5.