Journal manager does not receive notifications

Hello all,

We are hosting some journals and in one case we have a problem with the Journal manager not getting notifications. She does not get any notifications while her colleagues (role editor) do get them. She would like to get notifications of submissions, reviews received etc. events in the journal.

Here’s what we tried so far. She marked herself as an editor in addition to having the role of journal manager. I had also a role of a journal manager (I did get notifications) and I changed it, so now there is only one journal manager (her) - this does not seem to have effect - the editors get notification, she does not.

We are using OJS 3. 3. 0. 18. Any ideas what to try next?

Hi @Markku_Roinila,

If they go to their Profile (upper right hand corner when logged in), go to “Edit Profile” - “Notifications” - do they have these notifications selected there?

PKP Team

Thanks! I think they were - but I’ll ask just in case.

As I suspected, all the notifications were checked as they are supposed to be.

Thanks for verifying. Hmmm… it might be the case that their email service provider is somehow blocking the receipt of these emails. I have heard of this happening before at universities who have security measures in place to block these types of emails - they may want to follow up with their email service provider.

PKP Team

You mean that they go to spam-folder? That is not apparently the case. When I was a journal manager in the journal in question, I got the notifications of new articles to my spam folder. However, I did not get notifications on other events, such as peer review reports arriving.

No - not the spam folder - that would be more readily identifiable. Sometimes email services are blocking the messages before they even reach the user (and their spam folders). Not saying that this is the case with the user in question, but it may be worth exploring as a potential explanation for why this is happening.

PKP Team

Got more information. The journal manager gets notifications in the OJS and email of article submissions, but she would like to get those of referee reports etc. I have not come across this problem before, is the journal manager supposed to get notifications of these events? There seem to be no referee report arriving-option to choose in profile notifications settings.

Does the journal manager also have section editor and/or editor privileges assigned to them?

PKP Team

She did have editor role before, but that did not solve the problem.

Hi @Markku_Roinila,

Hmmm… I wonder if it makes a difference if the journal manager is assigned as a participant for the particular article. Have you tried that to see if they receive the report?

PKP Team

Thanks, I’ll report this to the journal manager and ask her to try it.

Apparently this has already been tested and found to have no effect on the problem.

I have the same issue

Hi @Markku_Roinila,

Does your issue appear to be with non-delivery of emails, or is it related to the notifications you receive entirely within OJS?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team