is there a way to set an items_per_page
and a page_links
values for the list configured by the site administrator in OJS site home page linke for the single journal setup?
is there a way to set an items_per_page
and a page_links
values for the list configured by the site administrator in OJS site home page linke for the single journal setup?
Hi @marchitelli,
What list do you mean? I’m not sure I’m following.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
in http://www.yourojs.org/admin/settingsyou can find this 2 options:
- For sites with many journals, show an alphalist on the homepage allowing for quick alphabetical navigation between journals.
- For sites with many journals, break the list of journals up into several pages.
If I want to break this list into several pages, how can I set a point-break?
In single journal setup it is possible to set up a pagination configuration
Hi @marchitelli,
Strange – that list should already have paging, per bug #6305, since OJS 2.3.5 or so. Are your items_per_page and page_links settings in config.inc.php properly configured? If you’re in a single-journal environment, why would this be necessary?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Found it, thanks!
I didn’t know that I can find that in config.inc.php
; Number of items to display per page; overridable on a per-journal basis
items_per_page = 25
; Number of page links to display; overridable on a per-journal basis
page_links = 10
How to list journals alphabetically in OJS3?
Hi @pharmagp,
Please post your question as a new thread; that’ll help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team