Journal is not indexed with PKP PN

I’ve updated the OJS to the latest version ( on September 2, 2020, for my website - I have enabled the PKP PN plugin and accepted all the terms also for 4 out of the 6 journals. However, in the list of journals listed with PKP PN, I am not able to see any of my journals.
Do I need to do any other changes?
How much time normally it takes to see any journal on the list?
Are there any more requirements for the listing?
Please help me with archiving issues.

Hi @Atharva_Agrawal,

What do you see in the PKP PN plugin’s Status area?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for reply.
It is showing the following status -
Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
What should I do now?

Hi @Atharva_Agrawal,

It looks like your journals do not have ISSNs set up in OJS; please configure these in Journal Setup.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

No, ISSN information has been given since the beginning. It is mentioned under Journal settings – Masthead – Publishing details. Do I need to mention these anywhere else?
Publishing Details
These details may be included in metadata provided to third-party archival bodies.
Mansa STM Publishers
Online ISSN
Print ISSN

Hi @Atharva_Agrawal,

Is your server set up to run OJS’s scheduled tasks through cron or an equivalent scheduler? If not, have you enabled the Acron OJS plugin? One of the two will be required.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve enabled the Acron plugin from the installed plugin gallery. What else needs to be done or checked to fulfill all the requirements? How much time normally, it takes to see my journal on the list?
Thanks for your lep and support.

After enabling the Acron plugin, I checked the PKP PN status.
However, only IJCH is showing this status.
Network Status: The PKP PLN can accept deposits from this journal.
Rest all 3 journals with ISSN are still showing the same message.
Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
What could be the issue and how can I resolve all the issues.

Hi @Atharva_Agrawal,

You’ll need to wait a while after enabling the Acron plugin for the status to change. I’d suggest checking back after at least 48 hours.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks for the information. Can I get some idea about the time taken to see the journal in the archived journal’s list if everything is ok?

Even after 5 days, the status is the same.
After enabling the Acron plugin, only IJCH is showing this status.
Network Status: The PKP PLN can accept deposits from this journal.
Rest all 3 journals with ISSN are still showing the same message.
Network Status: The PKP PLN does not know about this journal yet.
What could be the issue and how can I resolve all the issues.
Also, let me know the time taken by the PKP PN to get the journals indexed after fulfilling all the criteria.

Hi @Atharva_Agrawal,

Have a look through the troubleshooting hints at GitHub - pkp/pln: PKP Preservation Network Plugin, particularly:

Search the plugin’s logs in the ‘scheduledTaskLogs’ folder within the OJS
files directory. Files named ‘PKPPLNDepositorTask-id-datestamp’ should
be found there.

These log files might provide more information.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I had discussed the PKP PN status a few weeks ago. Now, I’m getting this type of status for the issues. Only 4 issues are showing LOCKSS status as agreement and complete as yes. However, there also, local and processing status is unknown. For the rest of the other issues, statuses are new, unknown, unknown, and no.
Also, I could not see the names of my journals in the PKP PN journals list yet. Please help me to get in indexed with PKP PN.
Hope to get a positive reply.

ID Type Type Object Id Checked Local Status Processing Status LOCKSS Status Complete

47 Issue 138 0 New Unknown Unknown No
Settings48 Issue 141 128 Unknown Unknown Agreement Yes
Settings49 Issue 143 128 Unknown Unknown Agreement Yes
Settings50 Issue 149 128 Unknown Unknown Agreement Yes
Settings51 Issue 151 128 Unknown Unknown Agreement Yes
Settings52 Issue 154 0 New Unknown Unknown No

Hi @Atharva_Agrawal,

Are you still having issues? From our side, I can say that PKP PN knows about the existence of 8 journals for the domain “”, but none of them have attempted to submit a deposit.

And looks like only two of them have the plugin enabled:
and https:/​/​​index.php/​ijch


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