I need help for installation of OJS-2.4.6 with eclipse jetty 9 and solr 5. Are there any installation guide or dokumentatino?
I need help for installation of OJS-2.4.6 with eclipse jetty 9 and solr 5. Are there any installation guide or dokumentatino?
Hi @nader,
You should have no problem installing OJS using any web server system, if that’s properly configured. How you configure your web server is something we can’t help much. But if you make sure it’s working, you can follow the docs/README instructions to install OJS.
Also it seems you want to use the Lucene plugin right? The Lucene plugin has an extensive documentation on how to install and troubleshoot. It’s in plugins/generic/lucene/README file.
You can try to start with those two REAMD files, and we can try to help you once you have a more specific question.
Hi Bruno
I have tried to install it but the main problem is jetty.xml(ojs-2.4.6/plugins/generic/lucene/embedded/etc/jetty.xml) file. This file is not compatible with eclipse jetty. Is there any new version of this file?
Best regards
Fra: beghelli [mailto:pkp@forum.pkp.sfu.ca]
Sendt: 28. september 2015 17:52
Til: Nader Khatibi
Emne: [PKP Community Forum] [Questions] Jetty 9, Solr 5 and OJS-2.4.6
beghellihttp://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/users/beghelli Staff
September 28
Hi @naderhttp://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/users/nader,
You should have no problem installing OJS using any web server system, if that’s properly configured. How you configure your web server is something we can’t help much. But if you make sure it’s working, you can follow the docs/README instructions to install OJS.
Also it seems you want to use the Lucene plugin right? The Lucene plugin has an extensive documentation on how to install and troubleshoot. It’s in plugins/generic/lucene/README file.
You can try to start with those two REAMD files, and we can try to help you once you have a more specific question.
To respond, reply to this email or visit Jetty 9, Solr 5 and OJS-2.4.6 - #2 by beghelli in your browser.
Hi again
I continue my attempt to use jetty-9 and solr-4.9 with OJS-2.4.6. I have solved the problem with starting solr. I removed jetty.xml from start.sh and put SLF4J in jetty/lib/ext then I could start Solr. To indexing journals I have to define a solr-core(ojs) with schema from OJS. But I get this error:
Unable to create core: ojs Caused by: dynamicField can not be required: *_id
This field is defined in schema.xml as:
<dynamicField name="*_id" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" multiValued="false" />
Any suggestion?
Best regards