JATSParserPlugin not installing in 3.2.1

Hi @Vitaliy

I looked into the CSL template a bit deeper.
It looks that the “URL” variable used in the following 2 lines of the CSL is empty:

I don’t understand why the variable is not populated. Maybe because the XML structure of the citation does not match the structure required from CSL?

The point is that that It’s not clear to me how those variables used in CSL are mapped in the JATS XML structures of citations. Also, it’s not clear if this mapping is done in the CSL library or if it’s done in JatsParser plugin.
( @luberti : for your interest)

I’m using citeproc-php to pass variables to CSL. I’ll need to check why this doesn’t work: https://github.com/Vitaliy-1/JATSParser/blob/27e11eb646b08560d48f93b9647e19e6dee5ddd3/src/JATSParser/HTML/Reference.php#L63. It may be just case-sensitivity or the problem is deeper in the data processing.

Thanks for your feedback @Vitaliy
I’m going to use the new version of JatsParser anyway.
I hope to see this bug solved in one of the next releases.
(@luberti : FYI)