Hi there,
New at OJS and we have installed it for testing purposes.
We are not planning to use the OJS submission workflows and we have the final manuscripts fully JATS Xml compliant with the associated illustration. We also developed own stylesheets so that any any JATS XML file uploaded displays correctly on any browser.
Is there a way to bypass the submission workflow on OJS so we can simply upload th JATS xml, corresponding CSS and illustrations?
Sorry if this sounds like a silly questions…
Hi @Nazimm,
OJS is primarily a workflow tool, so be warned that it’ll always be a little clumsy if you’re not using the workflow. But there are several ways of getting content into OJS directly, without using the workflow; see this document:
As for publishing JATS XML with a stylesheet, take a look at the XML galleys plugin, which ships with OJS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec…
Looks like a clear set up.
Will give it a crack!
Tried and simply no go. I think the issue is that i simply cannot get to grasp with the submission system which is complicated.
I can create a journal and assign a volume, issue and year but from there to actually publish an article is not going anywhere.
We simply want to use our own submission solution with an end result being a fully compliant JATS XMLS (and associated png files). All we would lime to do is to upload that in a volume/issue and publish.
Sorry to appear like a complete noob 
Hi @Nazimm,
How far did you get using the QuickSubmit plugin? I think that’s probably the best way.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
QuickSubmit plugin works fine.
I tried using the XML Galleys Plugin, do you have any guides for this as i find it unclear on how it works?
Best Regards,
Can i use QuickSubmit Plugin together with XML galleys to be able to upload XML files and use a custom XSL file to get the desired output?
Hi @Nazimm,
Yes, I think those two plugin will co-exist successfully. The QuickSubmit plugin should try to guess a label for the file you’re uploading based on the file type; if it’s successfully guessing “XML” for a label, then the XML galleys plugin will know to step in and present the galley using the uploaded XSL to transform the XML to HTML.
Have you configured the XML galleys plugin? Does the Test area pass (which would indicate that your PHP has all the required facilities)?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
All sorted Alec.
We can now upload XML JATS directly on OJS and will display very nicely as HTML. We are working on the CSS for the HTML display to make it a little more jazzy but process is working fine.
Much much appreciate your help!
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