I have a quick question about OMP and the iThenticate plugin: if the author send more than 1 file in the same submission, the iThenticate will charge me per files, right?
I’m worried because in our Publisher, we always ask the authors to submit the book (complete version), the book (anonymous version) without the names for blind review and a copyright term signed by them.
Is there a way to let iThenticate verify just one of the files (by the components of submission designed to the file or something like that)?
Thanks for your question. The iThenticate plugin will submit any new submissions from your Press to iThenticate at the end of the submission process. Each new submission will be placed into a folder along with all of its submission files. There are currently no additional setting options for this plugin that would allow for manual configurations of files.
As the fees are charged by iThenticate, I would suggest confirming with them how they charge for these.
I hope that this clarification is helpful, but please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team