Hello! I have a question about how to generate default images when linking to content from OJS on social media. We are using OJS
When we try to promote our journal links on social media, no default image is generated. We suspect that somewhere, there is metadata missing to generate these public-facing images for things like Twitter cards or Facebook link previews. But we’re not sure where this metadata is missing from.
We discovered this problem when trying to us the Twitter card validator (https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator) to promote a new journal. Here’s a screenshot of what happened when I tried to generate a link:
Any insights on what might be causing the issue or ideas on how to fix would be greatly appreciated!
So, some meta tags like for example or something similar.
I am not seeing the twitter:card tags on any OJS sites I look at, including the PKP OJS 3 testdrive. And, I can’t find any other forum posts on PKP Forum about twitter:card .
Is this on the radar to possibly add for OJS, or out of scope? I’m wondering if any of the existing social media plugins, like AddThis, or other plugin, might include Twitter cards, like look for a thumbnail pic, and if not, then serve a PDF logo as a pic. Just wondering if this is on the radar for any existing plugins available for OJS?
There has been a follow-up on this? Have you solved the issue, maybe?
I am facing the same problem, unfortunately since people like to share on Facebook, so I also need to solve the missing correct preview with open graph tags (how to do that?).
Thank you very much and best regards,
@NateWr is there any plan to add this to the core functionality? We have fairly conservative sustainability rules that generally constrain us from installing 3rd party plugins. But I could probably make a case if there is no plan for PKP to include social media meta tags.
There has been some discussion about this, but no decision. PKP tends to be conservative about adopting propriety third-party standards that are not necessarily part of open scholarly infrastructure. But OpenGraph is probably pretty close to a global standard, and in that sense may deserve to be treated more like Google Scholar than something like AMP.
That said, it would be great if we had more third-party plugins like these, and if they could be committed to and maintained by the community in a dependable fashion. That would take some of the burden off of PKP, though I understand people prefer the reliability of when we take on something ourselves.