Issue with File Naming in OJS Underscores Added to Downloaded Files

Hello everyone,

I have encountered a new problem with an installation of OJS
When I try to download a file from the editing interface, while the files are still in Review/Copyediting, etc., the file is saved with an underscore at the beginning and the end:
and for some users, this is a significant issue because they are unable to open the files.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Do you know what might be causing it?

Thank you.

PS: If the files are PDFs, only one underscore is added at the beginning.

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Hi @Alfredo_Cosco,

Can you post some specific steps to show the issue? I can’t think of anything in OJS that would cause this, but I might be wrong.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,
everything I can show is this.
This is the editing area, as you can see the file name is ok:

But when I download the file (usign the link in the circle area) it comes like this:


Hello ,
@asmecher we are experiencing the same issue.
For us the issue appears when we are using firefox.
It seems that the issue is not present when we’are using an old firefox version.
Best regards

Hi all,

Thanks, @tdolley, mentioning Firefox helped me track down a similar mention:

I’ve filed and fixed this here:

There’s a one-line change that you can apply to resolve it; your confirmation that it fixes the problem would be helpful. I’ll get it included in the next releases.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi all,

I carried out the procedure presented, but it continues to show an error, do you have any other suggestions? Has anyone solved the problem just by adjusting the command line?

Bruno Gomes

Hi @tdolley and @Alfredo_Cosco,

Can either of you confirm whether the patch above worked for you?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

@asmecher, Yes it has solved the issue.
Best regards Thomas

Hi all,

Thanks for the confirmation, @tdolley!

@bgsouza, I’d suggest double-checking that the patch applied successfully, and that you’re still seeing this issue even after it was applied. It’s possible, for example, that you’re getting user reports based on downloads from before the patch was applied.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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