We have articles published in Serbian and English. In TOC beside each pdf file it is written that article is in Serbain or English language.
Some articles in issue in Serbian language were published in French.
Do we need to resubmit those articles with French interface/form in order to appear that they are written in French?
No, you shouldn’t need to do that. The place where you designate the language is in the Galley upload/edit process; find that under the Layout section of the Editor’s view of the submission.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
For recent releases of OJS, I believe it should be presenting all galleys, regardless of the language you’re currently browsing. Is that not the behavior you’re seeing? What release of OJS are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I use the last release of OJS. I do not see any galleys, just submission. It is presented and when I change language as you describe it is OK. It is the most important for me that article in TOC is presented as written on some language so that readers are correctly informed.
Sorry, I’m a little fuzzy on what behavior you’d like. If you want to change the language of an existing galley, you should be able to Edit that galley and change the language using the languages dropdown. Is that the change you’re looking for? If not, could you describe further? A screenshot or something might help.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team