We have done a test upgrade of one of our journals from OJS 2.4.8 to OJS 3.1. (“Test” in that we copied the journal over to a different server and performed the upgrade there.) We are seeing mixed up issue data both on the front and back ends. On the front end, articles in the most recent issue appear under the table of contents for that issue, but clicking on any of them produces a breadcrumb that indicates the article is in the 2012 issue (#1). On the back end, the issue titles and cover images are all jumbled up among the published issues. Any ideas why this is happening? Is it possible it has something to do with how the journal was copied from one server to another, and not with the upgrade itself? Thanks!
Still hoping for some help on this issue! Here’s some additional detail in case it is helpful. This is the list of issues for this journal after upgrading to 3.1:
The item numbers are correct - issues 1-7 were published on a previous system and the editors decided to just set up dummy issues in OJS and link out to the issues still hosted elsewhere for now. They just published their first issue, no.8, in OJS, and it does have 11 articles. However, when I click on that issue there is nothing listed in the TOC. The articles are actually listed under no.5:
The “issue data” tab is blank for this issue. For other issues, the incorrect data is listed on that tab. Here’s what it looks like for no.8:
(I didn’t screenshot the whole tab, but further down, the cover image is also for no.2, not no.8.)
On the front end, the TOC for no.8 appears correctly, but when I click on any article, the breadcrumb indicates that it is in no.1:
Again, any ideas on this? Is this being caused by a problem with the underlying database, and if so, how can we fix it?
Hi @hcorbett
Is there any message related to it in your php error log?
When you upgraded there wasn’t any message error at end of proccess?
If you are in a test stack could you repeat upgrade ?
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, Israel -
Our systems staff member who did the upgrade captured the log. There were two error messages:
This one appears many times in the log:
PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 237 of 568 bytes in /var/www/html/nuwriting/lib/pkp/classes/db/DAO.inc.php on line 352
This one appears once:
ERROR: Reviewer files with ID 22 from review assignment 5 could not be found in the database table submission_files