Is support for "Online First" or continuous publication on the roadmap for OJS development?

More of a general query than Software Support per se: is support for “Online First” or rolling publication on the development roadmap for OJS?

At York we’ve got about 5 or 6 journals now that either have adopted either an “Online First” model (hate the name but it seems to have stuck) or a continuous publication model. We’ve kludged together more or less workable workflows for both models but they’re complicated and we have a few problems with them.

As these publication models become more prevalent, does PKP have plans to support them?


Hi @tmrozewski,

We had a session during our recent Hanover sprint on this – the sprint report should include some details on the broader question, and should be published soon! But we did end up filing a “first step” issue in Github on the subject:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Much obliged @asmecher !

Until the future integration we are using this plugin: GitHub - bakbalazs/ojs-forthcoming-article-plugin

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