I’ve cloned my website in order to upgrade from to I’ve did it in one of my vps that I have. I’ve downloaded patch “ojs-2.4.7-1_to_2.4.8-2.patch” and applied succesfully with “patch -p1 < PATCH_FILE” but I doubt if it really has upgraded my website because I didn’t know that modifications made by me would kept in my website…
Is this the correct way to upgrade a site?
Of course, later I upgraded my database
Thank you so much
Hi @Javier_Davo,
See docs/UPGRADE
– as you’venoted, you’ll need to upgrade both the code and the database. There are several options for each of those steps, each with its own characteristics. If you didn’t receive any error messages for either, and the end of the database upgrade step reported success in upgrading, you should be fine.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Thank you for your very fast answer.
I applied the menioned patch and later the upgrade of the database
following “php /tools/upgrade.php upgrade”
Hi @Javier_Davo,
That sounds OK to me – is it working OK, or do you have some indication that the upgrade didn’t complete successfully?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
1 Like
Any indication.
So this thread is solved! Thanks a lot