Is it possible to add a new language for prepared emails only, and not for interface?

There is no OJS translation available for Korean, and it’s going to take a while to complete translate all the language files.

In the meantime, we would like to send emails in Korean at least.

Is it possible to add a new language for prepared emails only, and not for interface?

Hi @Newtonite

It would not use much, I believe, because the system checks the current UI and provides the user with the email template data in that language. Thus, if you do not have the Korean UI language, that the Korean email templates would not have any use. Eventually you could enter the Korean text in the current email templates i.e. as your current UI language: for example, if you are using English, you could change the English email templates to contain the Korean text. I am not sure if this is a good and working solution, but… maybe you could try…


Does that mean the admin cannot separate the language of the UI that the individual user chooses and the language of the prepared emails that the admin can decide to send?

The demand may not be high for this feature, but it would be a nice feature if the two language options – the UI language option and the prepared emails language option – can separated.

Of course, the admin can choose to send prepared emails in the language that the recipient had chosen for his/her UI too.

It’s actually slightly more confusing. The prepared emails are linked to the admin’s / manager’s / editor’s (the sender’s) UI language, not the user’s / reader’s (the recipient’s) UI language.