Hello everyone,
I am writing here because I miss the understanding of an interesting aspect of OJS, whose comprehension would surely help me better understand several things.
I refer in particular to the “Reference list” editor, in which OJS doesn’t offer the possibility to use italic and other format. I guess that there is a logic behind, and understanding it would really help me while planning the work on several journals.
Is there maybe because a bibliography, according to OJS or somebody else, should not contain italic text, and should be only plain text in order to be “Machine readable”?
Furthermore, are you aware of any citation method that should be preferred, in order to have the machines able to read the bibliography, with all that follows from this possibility in terms of visibility, etc.? I am sincerely asking this because, for my ignorance, I still can’t manage to get a deeper understanding and knowledge of this aspect, and it would definitely help me to better catch the idea behind this.
Thank you very much, and best regards,