Hi all,
I’m installing OJS via http on my website, but a get this error:
Errors occurred during installation The directory specified for uploaded files does not exist or is not writable.
I read other threads but i can’t solve it. I’ve a shared host (linux) on aruba.it and I’m using this path (quite sure it’s correct):
The path has 777 permissions.
That I am going to protect with .htaccess after debugging.
I can’t find faq about it, like in other posts, because the links are broken.
Thanks a lot in advance,
EDIT: I solved it.
The correct path in Aruba.it:
Hi @OJScat,
It looks like that directory is inside the web root, so its contents can be requested remotely via the web server rather than through OJS. Beware that this is a dangerous configuration and your site may well be hacked. See the “recommended configuration” area of the README document.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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A post was split to a new topic: Problem with installation