I am trying to find a suitable xml format for sharing data with databases (in this case J-Gate) and the Native xml file seems ok. However, they are asking me if it is possible to add Publisher name, Journal Name and EISSN: is there any way to include these data in the exported file automatically (I mean without having to manually enter them in the xml file…)?
Thank you!
Hi @lsteele,
I’m not sure the “native” XML format is the best choice – it’s not intended to be a fixed standard, i.e. it will continue to evolve with further OJS releases, so the receiving system would need to know what version of the XML format to expect. If they’re OK with that, then it might be a good option, but best to confirm that they know the maintenance risk they’re taking on.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec,
What about the pubmed xml export? The reason of my query is to supply data to J-Gate….
Hi @lsteele,
I’m not familiar with J-Gate, so I’m not sure what data they require or what formats they generally work with, but yes, PubMed XML is a stable standard. They might also have a look at the OAI interface; it provides several options. (If they’re interested in JATS XML, it can be generated although incompletely via the OAIJats and JATS Template plugins.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team