INFO: First mEDRA plugin release for the OJS 3.4, v4.0.0.0 released on November 14th 2023

The first version of the new mEDRA plugin (v4.0.0.0) for OJS 3.4 is released today. It brings a few differences/changes according to the new DOI functionality in OJS 3.4 release.
Here are some relevant information for the users that would like to update to 3.4 and use the new mEDRA plugin:
If not already using OJS 3.4, update first to the most recent OJS 3.4 release.
When successfully updated to and/or already using OJS 3.4, double check that there is no mEDRA plugin there (not in the file system under plugins/importexport/ and not in the UI under Settings > Website > Plugins > Installed Plugins).
Go then to the plugin gallery under Settings > Website > Plugins > Plugin Gallery. There, you should see the new mEDRA plugin DOI to mEDRA XML export and registration plugin, v4.0.0.0 released on November 14th 2023, and the possibility to install it. Note that the plugins folder in your file system need to be writable for the web user (but if you have already used the plugin gallery this is probably already the case).
When installing the plugin, some old data (e.g. mEDRA DOI statuses) will be migrated, in order to function correctly in OJS 3.4.
If everything goes well, after the installation you will see the new mEDRA Manager Plugin under Settings > Website > Plugins > Installed Plugins > Generic Plugins. You will notice that the plugin settings are not there any more. Instead go to Distribution > DOIs > Registration, and select mEDRA as Registration Agency. Your old plugin settings are automatically there, but please double check all the settings under Distribution > DOIs > Registration and Distribution > DOIs > Setup again.
Note that DOIs cannot be assigned to galleys any more, and that the possibility to use the mEDRA service to register DOIs also with Crossref is now a general setting (and not per article any more).
Once everything is correctly set up, you can manage your mEDRA DOIs under DOIs management page (navigation item DOIs in the left side bar).

Good luck and happy usage :slight_smile: