Currently, we use OJS (Open Journal Systems - for our journal ( But still, our journal articles are not indexed in Google Scholar. In this regard, if anybody could help us then I kindly request you to give the solution for this problem.
We are currently working on a document specific to OJS Google Scholar. For the time being, I would suggest taking a look at the Inclusion and Publisher tab - Google Scholar Help. There maybe things with the article metadata that might need to be corrected.
Prezado, recomendo a judicialização. Tentei tudo mas não tiv obtive resposta ou êxito. Coloquei o Google na justiça e já na audiência de conciliação eles vieram com a solução.
Due to the google scholar issue recently we have moved our journal, “International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports” (International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports), to the new website, which is self-hosted on a shared Linux hosting platform. All our old issues were properly indexed in google scholar, but unfortunately, our latest two issues were not indexed in Google Scholar.
Dear @mohd_arshad
Thank you very much for your valuable comments. We have already tried it but still, the articles are not indexed in Google Scholar. Recently we have upgraded our OJS software and after that only we have encountered this issue.