Dear All,
Regarding our journal, we submit it to one of the indexers, but they said that they can’t access the OAI link as follows:
They mentioned that the error is gateway timeout. On the other hand, I can access it even though it needs a longer time than accessing the journal website. Do you have any suggestions about this problem?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Hi @a_nahm27,
I was able to access the link just fine (it was a bit slow to show up, but when it did, it showed up fine - similar to be you). It’s hard to say what exactly the issue is on the indexer’s end. Once it loads, it looks like it outputs as HTML and you can save the page as a .xml file - perhaps you could save the .xml file and send it to them manually?
PKP staff
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Hi @rcgillis,
Thank you very much. I will do as your suggestion.
Best regards,
Hi @a_nahm27,
The issue is likely to be related to server load. You can decrease the size of each OAI response by reducing the oai_max_records
setting in
. It’s 100 by default, but you could try reducing it to 50.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have already tried and it’s work. I keep the number as low as possible and it increases the speed.
Thank you very much for your suggestions.