Hi - we are hosting a journal for which has rather long keywords associated with it, we are limiting them to 15 keywords but they still run out of room. Where can I increase the number of characters allowed in this field?
FYI, I don’t think we’ll be migrating to v3.0 anytime soon.
Hi @mutanthumb,
Off the top of my head, OJS 2.4.6 doesn’t have a per-keyword limit, but may have a limit on the total list of keywords. Is that consistent with what you’re running into?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Total list, not per keyword.
Susan Borda
Digital Technologies Development Librarian
Montana State University Library
Hi @mutanthumb,
There’s a limit of 255 characters written into the template that generates that form. See templates/submission/metadata/metadataEdit.tpl
<input type="text" name="subject[{$formLocale|escape}]" id="subject" value="{$subject[$formLocale]|escape}" size="40" maxlength="255" class="textField" />
There’s a similar limit in the submission form. See templates/author/submit/step3.tpl
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec, can I change the limit without screwing things up?
Susan Borda
Digital Technologies Development Librarian
Montana State University Library
Hi @mutanthumb,
I’m not sure I can answer that question definitively but yes, you should be fine to change the limit in those two files.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
After making a change like this, what do I have to do to make it “live”?
Susan Borda
Digital Technologies Development Librarian
Montana State University Library
Hi @mutanthumb,
It should take effect immediately. If it doesn’t, make sure your file permissions are correct in cache/t_compile
– it might be that OJS is having trouble recompiling the templates if the cache permissions are preventing it.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec-
Here are the file permissions for t_compile:
drwxrwsr-x 2 apache apache 24576 Mar 5 13:36 t_compile
Susan Borda
Digital Technologies Development Librarian
Montana State University Library
Hi @mutanthumb,
Those look fine (depending on your SAPI), but check that the same also applies to the files in that directory. You could try removing all .php
files from cache/t_compile
, and see if they’re regenerated as you use the system.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team