Editors and others using Add Reviewers are in a good position to identify those no longer reviewing for the journal for whatever reason and can add to the curation and quality of the list by being able to delete the name from the role of reviewer (or nominate the name for deletion if they lack the authority).
I think that it might be good to make OJS something like friendly user’s working space like on desk in office. Some parts of it are already like that which is great.
However, the publisher’s library part should be more articulated if not in interface than in manual which will make that part quite useful. Also, the feature you requested is going in that direction that editors should really have quite handy some features to manage their work which will enable them to use OJS easily.
I think that this is important because I noticed that when I train editors and editorial boards how to use OJS it is very important to present part of its interface as functional units so they can understand it from the point of functionality and easy ways to perform tasks.
Thus, such features help a lot in that way.
Murmurations would also appreciate the ability to delete a reviewer from the Admin panel.
Do you specifically mean the administration area by “Admin panel”? Managers/administrators do have that ability – I think this request was for that tool to be added to the reviewer selection area, where editors will be working with the reviewer list already.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, by “Admin panel”, I meant the dashboard area for the Section Editor.
One of the problems that we have run into is that when a user has multiple roles with different permissions (e.g., Reviewer and Section Editor), OJS seems to default to the role with the lower permissions (e.g. Reviewer), and does not recognize their role as Section Editor.
I am wanting to delete a Reviewer to “fix” something around this conflict of roles. However, I can envision that a section editor would also need to delete a reviewer in certain cases, so the general functionality of deleting a reviewer is important to us.
Thanks in advance.
Alec, I have read your response again. I am also referring to the functionality of removing a Reviewer that has already accepted.
As shown, there is an individual who was the Author/Creator, who was added as a participant. In trying to solve a problem with Hypothesis, we added him as a Reviewer. We now need to delete him as a Reviewer.
I am not talking about Users or giving them the role of Reviewer via the ADMIN panel. Sorry for the confusion.
I would also like help with deleting reviewers. I am in the ‘journal manager’ role on the platform, and I assigned the wrong reviewers to articles.
Hi @SOTLshash,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher. Thanks. We are using OJS 3.0
Hi @SOTLshash,
OJS 3.0 is very old – I’d strongly suggest upgrading to the latest release before trying to figure this out further.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ok, I am a managing editor not a web developer so I am not that good with the software side of things, but I found on the site that we are using OJS Is that still too old?
Hi @SOTLshash,
Yes, that’s quite old – it was released almost 2 years ago.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team