A small suggestion that would improve OJS overall styling.
An example in templates/issue/archive.tpl
Remove the hardcoded styling and add at least one generic class: <div id="issue-{$issue->getId()}" class="issue">
This enables styling individual issues as we see fit with a generic style. Currently, there’s no way to create a generic style, as there is no way to select the issue div properly.
Although it can be done, create specific styles for the inner divs’s can be trickier this way.
That’s why it’s good practice to add individual styles, if I’m not outdated on my CSS+HTML knowledge.
I’m having a little trouble making the following code be correctly output: <p>Publicada novembro 2010</p><p><strong>Nota explicativa da Capa</strong><sup class="ciinf-reference">*<span>As capas da revista <em>Ciência da Informação</em>,...</span></sup></p>
A similar code is within the added items of the Policies section. It’s basically a CSS pop-up using the <sup> tag with styles. The <span> tag within it is not being output when added inside the TinyMCE editor of the issue metadata.
Any ideas? Should I open a different topic for this?