Import issue on OJS - Validation errors

OJS Version
A number of validation errors occur when loading a file using the Native XML Plugin. The validation errors are:
Element ‘{}biography’: This element is not expected. Expected is ( {}author ).
Element ‘{}biography’: This element is not expected. Expected is ( {}author ).
Element ‘{}affiliation’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}url, {}orcid, {}biography ).
Element ‘{}affiliation’: This element is not expected. Expected is ( {}author ).
Element ‘{}affiliation’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}url, {}orcid, {}biography ).
Element ‘{}pages’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}keywords, {}agencies, {}disciplines, {}subjects, {}authors ).
Element ‘{}pages’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}keywords, {}agencies, {}disciplines, {}subjects, {}authors ).
Element ‘{}pages’: This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}keywords, {}agencies, {}disciplines, {}subjects, {}authors ).

I will greatly appreciate any help on this, as I (as a non-programmer etc.) do find the various documented responses to similar questions as well as the code itself a bit daunting.



Hi @wynlib,

Are you exporting from old OJS 2.x version? That is not supported. See Import procedure: Compatibility between OJS 2.* and 3.*

Regards, Primož

Hi Primož,
No, what I did was to export an existing issue on Version 3, then editing the file to suit the information that I have. I am willing to send the actual XML if needed.




I managed to resolve this. The order of the elements were not correct, and some elements were misplaced.

Thank you for helping.

